Working Capital Loans

Maintain cash flow and be ready for opportunities with a working capital loan.

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Understanding Working Capital Loans

Working capital refers to the cash a business has on hand, so a working capital business loan helps cover temporary cash shortfalls or immediate business expenses. This allows a business owner to maintain daily operations and keep their business running smoothly. Working capital loans focus on immediate financial needs and often have shorter payback terms of up to one year.

How do you know how much working capital your business has? There’s a simple calculation for that. Working capital is determined by a company’s current assets minus its liabilities. Assets include accounts receivable, inventory, and cash on hand. On the other hand, liabilities include payments due and other expenses.

To put it simply, working capital is calculated as: Current assets – current liabilities = working capital

Business owners know the here-and-now for a business is just as important as planning for its future. If working capital falls too low for a business, it can threaten the health of a company. A steady flow of cash is needed to sustain critical operations, which is where QuickBridge steps in to bridge those disruptions and carry a business through lean times.

Our dedicated loan specialists are committed to finding the best small business financing solution for your business. Because working capital loans are designed for those immediate business needs, QuickBridge works fast to secure your funding within a matter of days upon approval. There’s no waiting around so you can make quick decisions to drive business forward.

How Can a Working Capital Loan be Used?

Bridge a Gap in Cash Flow

Bridge a Gap in Cash Flow

Use the funds for payroll, vendor payments, or purchasing inventory when capital is tight. Working capital funding allows you to sustain operations to get you through uncertain or lean times.
Capitalize on Growth Opportunities

Capitalize on Growth Opportunities

Acquire competing businesses, purchase inventory to meet rising demand, or lease new office space. Use working capital funds to strategically propel your business forward.
Cover Emergency Expenses

Cover Emergency Expenses

Broken equipment shouldn’t interrupt your business operations but unexpected repairs can be costly. Pay for equipment upgrades or other emergency expenses with a working capital loan.
Fund Short-Term Projects

Fund Short-Term Projects

Whether you’re looking to expand or offer a new product, working capital can help finance short-term projects for your growing small business.

How Do You Get Working Capital Financing for Your Business?

Applying for a working capital loan is simple. While traditional banks have difficult and long application processes, alternative lenders like QuickBridge limit the number of hoops you have to jump through. We believe securing a financing solution for your business should be as easy as possible. Once you submit your application, one of our dedicated loan specialists will work with you to find the right lending solution for your business.


Simply Apply Online

The application process is easy and only requires a driver’s license and bank statements.


Get a Quick Credit Decision

We provide fast credit decisions and offer flexible payment options that best fit your specific needs.


Receive Funds Fast

If a credit approval is established, funds are sent directly to your bank account in matter of days.

What Small Business Owners Say

Types of Working Capital Loans

Working capital loans can fall into a few categories, depending on what works best for your business. There are many possible solutions for your business, and one of our trusted team members will customize a loan offer based on your specific business needs.

Some common working capital loan types you’ll see include:

Short-Term Financing

Similar to a working capital loan, a short-term loan is designed to cover immediate business needs with repayment terms lasting up to one year. This loan type is best suited for businesses who are looking to capitalize on a growth opportunity, meet increased demand, or fund a short-term project.

Unsecured Business Loan

An unsecured business loan doesn’t require you to give up any personal collateral, such as your house or other assets, upon agreement. This loan type gives less risk to the borrower and is a great option for businesses without much collateral.

Business Bridge Loans

A bridge loan is a short-term financing solution that has a specific financing purpose. It’s designed to cover payments for a specific purchase or existing obligation. Common uses for a bridge loan include real estate purchases, acquiring competing businesses, or buying more product.

Alternative Lending

You’ve probably heard the phrase “alternative lender” here before, but what does it refer to? An alternative lender is often an easier financing solution for business needs compared to traditional banks. While banks have high eligibility requirements and long applications, alternative lenders like QuickBridge step in with flexible requirements, fast application processes, and quick approvals so businesses can secure the funding they need efficiently.

What are the Requirements For Working Capital Funding?

We keep the eligibility requirements to a minimum, so you’ll find it’s easier and faster to secure funding for your business. To be eligible, it is recommended to have:

  • · At least six months in business
  • · Minimum $250,000 in annual gross sales
  • · Fair to excellent credit
Find Out How Much Funding Your Business Could Receive

Find Out How Much Funding Your Business Could Receive

Easy, secure, trusted. Get financing today to build your business.

Main Advantages of Working Capital Financing

A small business can benefit from a working capital loan for a number of reasons. The following are:

Fast Funding for Timely Business Needs

Working with a lender like QuickBridge, business owners can rest assured that their cash will arrive in as little as a day of receiving a credit approval. The infusion of working capital can be put to use immediately for business operations and can be paid off quickly.

Easier Access and a Less Complicated Process

Getting these types of loans is typically less of a challenge and a simpler process then securing long-term debt. Plus, a small amount of debt like a working capital loan is preferable to long-term debt or seeking equity financing. These loans usually can be paid off faster and won’t reduce a business owner’s stake in the company.

Fuels Business Growth and Expansion

Working capital financing might also come in handy in times of expansion when businesses need extra breathing room to cover momentarily higher spending. This puts them in prime position to capitalize on a time-sensitive opportunity or a last-minute inventory discount, for example.

Working Capital Loan Resources

Find other resources on working capital loans or entrepreneurship tips over at our small business blog. Explore these articles for more information on how to take your small business to greater heights.

Types of Small Business Loans: Which is Right for You?

Types of Small Business Loans: Which is Right for You?

Deciding which type of small business loan is right for you requires some research. Here we’ll walk you through major types of funding and which is a good option for your business.

5 Tips for Expanding Your Small Business

When you’re ready to expand your business, there’s a lot to consider. Our tips help give some guidance on the main things to focus on when scaling up.

5 Tips for Expanding Your Small Business

FAQs: Working Capital Loans

Are working capital loans a good idea for small businesses?
Working capital loans can help businesses cover operational expenses or any immediate financing needs. It’s a great way to bridge cash flow gaps and maintain your business during temporary financial crunches.
How do I qualify for a working capital loan?
With an alternative lender, it’s much easier to get approved for funding. To qualify for a working capital loan, you’ll most likely need at least $250,000 in annual sales, been in operation for at least six months and have fair to excellent credit.
Are working capital loans easy to get?
Many business owners assume getting working capital loans is a long, complicated process. Fortunately, alternative lenders like QuickBridge provide loans for businesses with easy online applications and quick response times. In fact, you could see your loan application approved in days.
Can I use a working capital loan to pay myself or employees?
A working capital loan can be used to pay employees to ensure they’re paid on time. You can also use the loan to pay yourself if the funding is there. Generally, a working capital loan is used to cover any immediate or short-term expenses for your business to sustain operations as usual.
How much working capital financing can I get?
You can receive up to $500,000 in working capital funding for your business.
Are working capital loans available for startup businesses?
Generally, it can be difficult to get approved for a working capital loan through a traditional bank, if you just started your business or have only been operating for less than a year. However, alternative lenders such as QuickBridge, are usually more flexible in the credit process when considering the age of your business. QuickBridge can consider working capital loan applications for businesses that have been operating for a minimum of six months.